Perceptions of Developing Trends in Repositories
We asked SPARC attendees to respond to a dozen questions that explored IR trends through the lens of the SPARC conference themes: New Horizons, Campus Publishing, Developing Value-Added Services and Policy Environment. To provide context, we provided links to real life examples that best represented each trend. We are delighted to report that over 110 SPARC meeting attendees responded to this survey. Thanks to all who responded! The wealth of thoughtful feedback is a testament to the wonderful group of people that SPARC has brought together and the forward thinking nature of this meeting. It is clearly an exciting time in IR development. We invite you to consider the attached results and also to share your thoughts with us.
Publication Date
November 17, 2008
Citation Information
"Perceptions of Developing Trends in Repositories" (2008) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jean_gabriel_bankier/6/