Institutional Repositories: Strategies for the Present and the Future
to be published in: NASIG 2008 Conference Proceedings, The Serials Librarian
Institutional repositories are tools to support, disseminate and showcase the scholarly communications and intellectual life of an institution. A successful repository requires planning and a defined focus, as well as an attractive name and design. To achieve success, the IR must serve faculty on faculty’s terms; the librarian’s role is to collaborate with faculty and ensure that the services of the IR meet their needs. Foster, Bankier and Wiley offer strategies for success drawn from their work creating successful institutional repositories.
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Publisher Statement
This is a preprint of an article submitttted for publication in the annual NASIG conference proceedings volume of The Serials Librarian, published by Taylor & Francis. Copyright to the article is owned by the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG). The Serials Librarian is available online at: httttp://
Citation Information
"Institutional Repositories: Strategies for the Present and the Future" to be published in: NASIG 2008 Conference Proceedings, The Serials Librarian (2008) Available at: