Unpublished Paper
100 Stories: The Impact of Open Access
Open Access to Scholarly Communication in 2016: Status and Benefits Review
This report looks to answer the question: "why does open access matter?" We examined 100 stories of impact to produce a framework for describing the concrete benefits of open access for readers, authors and institutions. We aspire to move the open access conversation forward by making the case, backed by data, that the benefits of open access are real, widespread and significant.
- open access,
- institutional repositories,
- impact
Publication Date
Winter December, 2016
Citation Information
Jean-Gabriel Bankier and Promita Chatterji. "100 Stories: The Impact of Open Access" (Preprint) Open Access to Scholarly Communication in 2016: Status and Benefits Review, UNESCO (2016)
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jean_gabriel_bankier/27/
Creative Commons License

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