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Myelosuppression, Bone Disease, and Acute Renal Failure: Evidence-Based Recommendations for Oncologic Emergencies
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (2017)
  • Kevin Brigle, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Amy Pierre
  • Elizabeth Finley-Oliver, Moffitt Cancer Center
  • Beth Faiman, Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute
  • Joseph D Tariman, PhD
  • Teresa Miceli, BSN, Mayo Clinic
Oncologic emergencies associated with multiple myeloma include myelosuppression (anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia), bone-related emergencies, and acute renal failure. 
This article reviews the pathophysiology of these multiple myeloma-associated oncology emergencies and provides a framework for assessment and effective intervention.
A comprehensive review of the levels of evidence, focusing on assessment, diagnosis, comorbidities, treatment, ongoing monitoring, and patient education, are presented to support the plan of care for at-risk patients.
Attention to signs and symptoms is the foundation for preventing these emergencies or managing additional escalation of symptoms.
  • Hypercalcemia,
  • Myeloma,
  • Multiple Myeloma,
  • Oncologic Emergencies,
  • Supportive Care,
  • Myelosuppression
Publication Date
Summer July 1, 2017
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
Brigle, K., Pierre, A., Finley-Oliver, E., Faiman, B., Tariman, J. D., & Miceli, T. (2017). Myelosuppression, Bone Disease, and Acute Renal Failure: Evidence-Based Recommendations for Oncologic Emergencies. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 21(5), 60-76. doi:10.1188/17.CJON.S5.60-76
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