Concurrent Session 4D. Promoting Language Access in the Legal Academy
SALT Teaching Conference: Teaching Social Justice, Expanding Access to Justice: The Role of Legal Education & The Legal Profession
Room 402
Start Date
6-10-2012 10:10 AM
End Date
6-10-2012 11:10 AM
Presentation will discuss how to incorporate language access issues into the law school environment. Panelists will discuss exercises and class discussion in first year class, bilingual instruction in clinical and doctrinal classrooms, a sample clinic policy for serving Limited English Proficient clients, and service opportunities at a number of law schools in which students are helping to improve language access in local courts. Presenters were involved in drafting the ABA Standards on Language Access, endorsed by the National Center on State Courts and the Conference of Chief Justices.
Citation Information
Gillian Dutton, Beth Lyon, Jayesh Rathod and Deborah Weissman. "Concurrent Session 4D. Promoting Language Access in the Legal Academy" (2012) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jayesh_rathod/6/