Evaluation of auditory discrimination in children with ADD and without ADD
Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Auditory discrimination abilities of children with and without attention deficits were investigated to measure the variability due to different response modes (verbal [NU-6] and picture pointing [GFW]) and competing messages (GFW). Results showed no differences between response modes in quiet, but significant differences in noise between groups with children having ADD showing poorer speech discrimination. Additionally, differential effects between types of competing messages for the same task were not found in the ADD group. These results are discussed in relation to the clinical use of these tests, the relationships seen between results, and implications for educational management.
Publication Date
February, 1996
Citation Information
Donna Geffner, Jay R Lucker and William Koch. "Evaluation of auditory discrimination in children with ADD and without ADD" Child Psychiatry and Human Development (1996) Available at: