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La Responsabilisation de L'economie: What the United States Can Learn from the New French Law on Consumer Overindebtedness
Michigan Journal of International Law
  • Jason J. Kilborn, Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center
Publication Date

This Article on the French law continues a study of European consumer debt-relief systems, which the author began previously in an article on the German system. With rapid legal and practical developments in consumer debt-relief law, Europe provides an excellent comparative legal laboratory for observing the potential benefits and pitfalls of consumer bankruptcy reforms. In particular, French and German experiences with long-term payment plans shed useful light on the great debate raging in the United States over similar plans.

Citation Information
Jason J. Kilborn. "La Responsabilisation de L'economie: What the United States Can Learn from the New French Law on Consumer Overindebtedness" (2005) p. 619 - 671
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