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Émigrés En Terre Non-Étrangère: Récits de Retours Accidentels au Pays Natal
Haitian Studies Association 29th Annual Conference (2017)
  • Jason Herbeck, Boise State University
In this presentation, Herbeck examined the social and emotional implications of two works—Le Bleu de l’île (The Blue of the Island) by Évelyne Trouillot and Rapatriés (Repatriated) by Néhémy Pierre-Dahomey —in which individuals attempting to leave Haiti are either forced or in fact elect to return to their native land.
Publication Date
November, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Translated title of this presentation is “Emigrants on Non-Foreign Soil: Tales of Accidental Returns to the Native Land”.
Citation Information
Jason Herbeck. "Émigrés En Terre Non-Étrangère: Récits de Retours Accidentels au Pays Natal" Haitian Studies Association 29th Annual Conference (2017)
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