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Math in the Ballroom: Does Your Vote Matter on Dancing with the Stars?
Mathematics Colloquium Series
  • Jason Gershman, Nova Southeastern University

The popular television show Dancing with the Stars utilizes a voting system with some intriguing mathematical twists. Examining fairness and technique, Gershman will contrast the DTWS polling system with other voting systems—such as those used to elect presidents, decide which college football teams compete for the national championship, and determine the next “American Idol.” Gershman will also discuss optimal voting strategies and game theory within the context of real situations from the show.

Presenter Bio
Jason Gershman has a Ph.D. and is an Assistant Professor/Coordinator of Mathematics at Nova Southeastern University
Date of Event
November 3, 2010 12 - 1:00 PM
Mailman-Hollywood Building, Room 311, 3301 College Ave., Fort Lauderdale (main campus)
NSU News Release Link
Citation Information
Jason Gershman. "Math in the Ballroom: Does Your Vote Matter on Dancing with the Stars?" (2010)
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