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Course Syllabus
HIS389H (Historiography)
Historiography (2017)
  • Jason Dyck
This course is a survey of historiography, starting with the papyrus scrolls of ancient Greece and ending with the world wide web of the twenty-first century. Not only has the meaning of history changed over time, but the historian’s craft has significantly evolved over the past 2500 years. Historiography, then, is a history of history itself and not of past events. Studying historiography provides historians with conceptual tools to think with, methodologies they can apply to their primary sources and to their overall understanding of the past. To gain insight into the evolving nature of the historian’s craft and their tools, this course explores a sampling of important movements in historical practice from ancient to modern times. But beyond exploring the variety of historical methods, this course is also concerned with the practical elements of becoming a historian together with some of the other uses of history outside of academia.
  • history,
  • historiography
Publication Date
Citation Information
Jason Dyck. "HIS389H (Historiography)" Historiography (2017)
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