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From NoobGuides to #OpKKK: Ethics of Anonymous' Tactical Technical Communication
Technical Communication Quarterly
  • Jared Sterling Colton, Utah State University
  • Steve Holmes, George Mason University
  • Josephine Walwema, Oakland University
Document Type
Taylor & Francis Online
Publication Date

Tactical technical communication research suggests its application to social justice. However, beyond a general advocacy of anti-institutional activity, de Certeau’s notion of tactics provides no detailed ethical framework for ethically justifying tactics. In acknowledgement of this gap, this article foregrounds the ethical thought of feminist philosopher Adriana Cavarero, particularly her concept of vulnerability, as a supplement for those employing tactics for social justice causes. The authors examine the technical documents produced by the hacktivist collective Anonymous.

Citation Information
Colton, J.S.,Holmes, S., & Walwema, J. (2017). From NoobGuides to #OpKKK: Ethics of Anonymous' Tactical Technical Communication. Technical Communication Quarterly, 26(1), 59-75. (Winner of the 2018 Nell Ann Pickett Award for best article in Technical Communication Quarterly.)