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Live Online Sessions: Designing for Interest and Interactivity
Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference
  • Janine Lim, Andrews University
Bell Hall, Rm 161
Start Date
29-3-2018 12:30 PM
End Date
29-3-2018 1:20 PM
Proposal for Presentation

Live online sessions can be a webinar, a videoconference, a class session, and other formats. The live online session is very close to the experience of a face to face class or group interaction. However, there are some key aspects that need to be done well for the best attendee satisfaction and for a quality learning experience. We will explore strategies for generating interest, catching the eye with appealing visuals, and engaging the brain with both human and content interactivity. Boost the quality of your online live sessions by implementing new interactive strategies!

Citation Information
Janine Lim. "Live Online Sessions: Designing for Interest and Interactivity" (2018)
Available at: