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About Janet Bang

Dr Janet Y. Bang is a developmental scientist whose research focuses on how children communicate and learn about the world around them. Through her research and teaching she strives to build an understanding of child development that is true to the rich array of individual and cultural differences within and across diverse communities. She is dedicated to using her research to empower families and educators with new insights into how to support children’s development.


Present Assistant Professor, San Jose State University Child and Adolescent Development
2017 - 2020 Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University


2022 - 2023 SJSU Internal Seed Grant
San Jose State University
2019 - 2020 Postdoctoral Support Award
Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute
2013 - 2016 Strategic Training Fellow in Autism Research
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
2014 - 2014 Graduate Scholar Stipend
Center for Research on Brain, Language, and Music
2012 - 2013 Shuk-Tak Liang Fellowship and Grad Excel Fellowship
McGill Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship
2006 - 2007 Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, Daylong Audio Recordings of Children’s Linguistic Environments Consortium
Present Member, International Congress for Infant Studies
Present Member, Linguistic/Language Variation in Input Environments Around the World
Present Member, Society for Research in Child Development
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Honors and Awards

  • SJSU Peer Connections Certificate of Recognition
  • McGill MedStar Award
  • NeuroDevNet Spring Trainee Travel Award
  • SCSD GREAT Travel Award
  • SCSD Graduate Excellence Fellowship
  • SCSD Annalee & Mark Abelson Travel Fund in Medicine
  • SCSD Graduate Excellence Fellowship
  • McGill Faculty of Medicine Graduate Student International Travel Fund
  • CRBLM Travel Award
  • McGill International Doctoral Award
  • McGill Provost Graduate Fellowship
  • 2022 SJSU Sybil Weir/John Galm Award


2017 Ph.D., Communication Sciences and Disorders, Specialization in Language Acquisition, McGill University
2007 B.S., Psychobiology, minor in Art History, University of California, Los Angeles