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Open Textbooks: Access, Affordability, and Academic Success
All Musselman Library Staff Works
  • Janelle L. Wertzberger, Gettysburg College
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This session will give Gettysburg College faculty a chance to learn more about open textbooks and how to discover options that might work for the courses you teach. Open textbooks can help alleviate the burden of textbook costs for students and provide faculty with content that can be customized for their course. Open textbooks are full, real textbooks, used by many faculty across the country, and licensed to be freely used, edited, and distributed. After the workshop, participants will be invited to write a short review of an open textbook they might assign in a course (please note: open textbooks are not available for all subjects). Your review will be shared in the Open Textbook Library so it may benefit other faculty considering open textbooks. Workshop participants who write a review will receive a $200.00 stipend, payable upon receipt of the review.

Sponsored by the Johnson Center for Creative Teaching and Learning

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0
Citation Information
Janelle L. Wertzberger. "Open Textbooks: Access, Affordability, and Academic Success" (2019)
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