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Information, Institutions and Governance: Advancing a Basic Social Science Research Program for Digital Government
National Center for Digital Government
  • Jane Fountain, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Publication Date
Fountain, J.E. 2002. Information, Institutions and Governance: Advancing a Basic Social Science Research Program for Digital Government. Report of a national workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation, May 30-June 1, 2002, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. [Available as Kennedy School of Government Faculty Research Working Paper, RWP03-004, January 2003. Working paper was listed on the Social Science Research Network Electronic Library Top Ten download lists for “Administrative Law Recent Hits,” >“Public Choice & Political Economy Recent Hits,” "Political Economy (Topic) Recent Hits," and the "John F. Kennedy School of Government Recent Hits"]

From the Executive Summary: 'To provide guidance and discussion meant to support the development of the Digital Government Program to include research in the social and applied social sciences, more than 30 experts gathered at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge from May 30 to June 1, 2002 for a national workshop to aid in the development of a broadly-based, multidisciplinary social science research agenda for digital government. In spite of significant innovations in information and communication technologies, digital government remains at an early stage of implementation. Moreover, the implications of IT for the future of government are as yet dimly perceived notwithstanding a stream of speculation and informed commentary on the future of democracy and governance.'

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Citation Information
Jane Fountain. "Information, Institutions and Governance: Advancing a Basic Social Science Research Program for Digital Government" (2003)
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