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What do educational leaders need to know to build capacity for inclusive practice?
2021-2030 ACER Research Conferences
  • Jane Jarvis, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Start Date
4-9-2023 1:30 PM
End Date
4-9-2023 2:30 PM
Leadership, Professional development, Inclusive education, Lifelong learning

To provide the foundations for lifelong learning, educational environments must be effective for all academically diverse young people. This presentation will synthesise the findings and share lessons learned from 7 Australian research studies that explored leadership and professional learning to improve site-wide inclusive practices for academically diverse learners. Findings highlight common ‘sticking points’ related to inclusive practice at the classroom and school levels, underscore the importance of contextualised professional learning guided by a shared vision, and identify key priorities for leaders seeking to build site-wide capacity for inclusive practice.

Place of Publication
Melbourne, Australia
Australian Council for Educational Research
Citation Information
Jarvis, J. (2023, September 4). What do educational leaders need to know to build capacity for inclusive practice? [Conference presentation]. Research Conference 2023: Becoming Lifelong Learners. Australian Council for Educational Research, Sydney, Australia.