2012 - Present | Professor, St. Catherine University ‐ History Department | |
1994 - Present | Associate Professor, St. Catherine University | |
Research Interests
Professional Service and Affiliations
1996 - 2015 | Book and Journal Manuscript Reviewer, Minnesota Historical Society Press | 2011 - 2012 | History Day Judge, Murray Junior High, St. Paul, Minnesota | 2009 - 2009 | Chapter Delegate, Phi Beta Kappa Triennial Conference, Austin, Texas | 2007 - 2007 | Participant: Making Sense of Minnesota History in the Information Age, Roundtable discussion at the Minnesota Public Radio | 2002 - 2004 | Director, Minnesota State Board of American Association of University Professors | 2003 - 2003 | Chapter Delegate, Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society Triennial Council, Seattle, Washington | 2001 - 2001 | Consultant and on-film commentator, "Uncommon Ground" Documentary Film Series | 2001 - 2001 | History Day Judge, Minnesota Historical Society | 1999 - 1999 | History Day Judge for the Solon J. Buck Award, Minnesota Historical Society | 1998 - 1998 | On-line Guest for "River of Life: Mississippi Adventure", Center for Global Environmental Education, Hamline University | 1998 - 1998 | Consultant for "Waters to the Sea: Rivers of the Upper Mississippi" CD-ROM, Center for Global Environmental Education, Hamline University |
Honors and Awards
- Sister Mona Riley Endowed Chair in the Humanities (2017-2020)
- UMAIE Curriculum Development Grant (2015)
- SCU Study Abroad Curriculum Development Grant (2015)
- SCU Curriculum Development Grant (May 2014)
- Faculty Research Sabbatical (Winter 2014)
- Abigail Quigley McCarthy Faculty Research Writing Award (2012)
- Denny Writing Prize, St. Catherine University (2010)
- Solon J. Buck Award, Minnesota Historical Society (2007)
- St. Catherine Study Abroad Award (2007)
- Finalist, Faculty Teaching and Advising Award (2004-2005)
- Faculty Research Sabbatical Winter Semester (2005)
- Abigail Quigley McCarthy Faculty Research and Writing Award (2003)
- CSC Scholars' Retreat (2002, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2014)
- Curriculum Development Grants (2000, 2001, 2002)
- Solon J. Buck Award, Minnesota Historical Society (1991)
- Exceptional Performance Awards, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1991, 1992, 1995)
- Mother Antonia McHugh Award, College of St. Catherine (1981)
- Phi Beta Kappa (1979)
- Pi Gamma Mu (1979)
- Introduction to Historiography
- Survey of U.S. Political and Social History, 1600-1920
- Twentieth Century America
- Women in America, 1600-1920
- History of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights in the U.S.
- Ireland from the 12th Century to the 21st Century
- History of Feminism in Western Society
- History and Literature of Slavery in the Americas
- The Reflective Woman
- Global Search for Justice: The Immigrant Experience
- History of British Feminism through Literature
- History Senior Seminar
- British Writers and the Woman Question (Study Abroad)
- The New Woman in England and America, 1880-1940
- Resisting the Legacy of Colonialism: Maori History, Literature and Language in New Zealand (Study Abroad)
- The Reflective Woman: Writers, Scholars and Artists (2015)
1991 | PhD, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | |
1983 | MA, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | |
1980 | BA, College of St. Catherine | |
Contact Information
Jane Carroll
Professor of History and Women's Studies
2004 Randolph Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Phone: 651-690-8813