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About Jamie Roney, DNP, BSHCM, RN-BC, CCRN-K

I am seeking the goals of promoting the professional advancement of nurses in their knowledge and understanding, as well as, promotion of specialty certification in professional nurses to enhance providing excellent nursing care to the acutely ill patient utilizing my extensive critical care background.

My favorite part of being a nurse is mentoring other nurses along this wonderful journey. I enjoy seeing others grow in knowledge and capacity to contribute to our profession. I seek the goals of promoting the professional advancement of nurses in their knowledge and understanding, as well as, promotion of specialty certification in professional nurses to enhance providing excellent nursing care to the acutely ill patient utilizing my extensive critical care background


Present Regional Sepsis Coordinator/Nursing Professional Development Specialist IV, Providence Covenant Health

Curriculum Vitae



2013 Implementation of a Modified Early Warning Scoring (MEWS) Tool
Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Iota Mu Chapter
Seed Grant
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2015 - Present Member, Texas Public Health Association
2012 - Present Member, American Nurses Association
2012 - Present Texas Nurses Association, Member
2012 - Present Current Board Research Co-chair; Member, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
2012 - Present Member, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
2011 - Present Member, Gamma Beta Phi
2011 - Present Member, Golden Key International Honour Society
1999 - Present Current AACN Ambassador; Member, American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)
1999 - Present Current Treasurer; Member, West Texas Chapter American Association of Critical Care Nurses
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Honors and Awards

  • Member of the Quarter, Iota Mu Chapter Sigma Theta Tau International, February 2017
  • Nurses Know Sepsis award, Sepsis Alliance: Suspect Sepsis. Save Lives, May 2015
  • Nurse of the Year, Iota Mu Chapter Sigma Theta Tau International, May 2015
  • First Place Winner Centering Pregnancy Model to Address Low Birth Weight Infants, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 27th Annual Student Research Week Poster Presentation, March 2015
  • Third Place Winner Engaging the Patient with the Electronic Health Record: Patient Portal Adoption, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 27th Annual Student Research Week Poster Presentation, March 2015
  • Covenant Health Value in Action Award for Excellence, March 2015
  • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Excellence in Nursing Award, May 2014
  • Covenant Health 2014 Poster First Place Winner Based on Implemented Evidence Based Practice, Reliability Testing of a Modified Early Warning Scoring (MEWS) Tool, May 2014
  • Covenant Health 2014 Poster Second Place Winner Based on Professional Development, Mortality Benefit from Using the Sepsis Resuscitation Bundle Alone, May 2014
  • Covenant Health Value in Action Award for Excellence, April 2014
  • Covenant Health, Covenant Makers Nursing Professional Development Specialist (NPDS) Consultant, Facilitator, Change Agent Award, December 2013
  • Covenant Health Excellent Researcher Award, December 2013
  • 2013 Telluride Patient Safety Educational Roundtable and Student Summer Camp Scholar, Washington DC, August 2013
  • Sigma Theta Tau International Foundation for Nursing Edith Anderson Leadership Education Grant, July 2013
  • Covenant Health Researcher of the Year Award, May 2013
  • Covenant Health CNE Best Practice Award, April 2013
  • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center QEP SaveMyHeart Challenge Award, May 2013
  • South Plains College Distinguished Alumni, May 2013
  • Covenant Health Value in Action Award for Dignity, April 2013
  • Texas Tech University Undergraduate Nursing Program, Graduated Summa cum laude, December 2011
  • The Covenant Way: Green Belt Award, Covenant Health, December 2011
  • Covenant Health Value in Action Award for Service, November 2011
  • Covenant Health Nursing Expert Award, August 2011


2016 DNP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center ‐ Nursing Practice, Executive Leadership
2013 MS, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center ‐ Leadership in Nursing Education
2011 BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center ‐ Nursing
2001 BS, Clayton University ‐ Health Care Management
1994 AS, ADN, South Plains College ‐ Nursing