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Inventory-based sensitivity analysis of the Large Tree Diameter Growth Submodel of the Southern Variant of the FVS
Third Forest Vegetation Simulator Conference; 2007 February 13–15; Fort Collins, CO. Proceedings RMRS-P-54 (2008)
  • James N. Long, Utah State University
Diameter increment is an important variable in modeling tree growth. Most facets of predicted tree development are dependent in part on diameter or diameter increment, the most commonly measured stand variable. The behavior of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) largely relies on the performance of the diameter increment model and the subsequent use of predicted dbh in forecasting tree attributes.

Previous research has shown the efficacy of localized inventory data in calibrating model parameters when better predictions of individual and stand growth in focal geographic areas are sought. A sample-based sensitivity analysis (SA) is proposed as a preliminary step to model calibration, in order to identify which variables are most influential in determining predicted outcomes. SIMLab software was used for SA of the default dbh increment submodel in FVS-SN; samples were obtained from a recent inventory of longleaf pine stands in Fort Bragg, NC. Preliminary results show that dbh is by far the most important variable, followed by site index and competition-related predictors. Topographical and other site variables were largely non-influential. Before calibration and re-engineering of the submodel, variables conveying redundant or non-influential information may be considered for elimination.
  • forest management,
  • forest planning,
  • growth and yield,
  • vegetation dynamics,
  • habitat modeling,
  • carbon inventory,
  • prognosis model,
  • landscape dynamics,
  • fire,
  • fuels,
  • climate change,
  • economics,
  • forest health
Publication Date
Havis, Robert N.; Crookston, Nicholas L., comps.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Citation Information
James N. Long. "Inventory-based sensitivity analysis of the Large Tree Diameter Growth Submodel of the Southern Variant of the FVS" Fort Collins, ColoradoThird Forest Vegetation Simulator Conference; 2007 February 13–15; Fort Collins, CO. Proceedings RMRS-P-54 (2008) p. 149 - 159
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