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Characterizing Package/PCB PDN Interactions from a Full-Wave Finite-Difference Formulation
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (2006, Portland, OR)
  • Shishuang Sun
  • David Pommerenke, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • James L. Drewniak, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Kai Xiao
  • Sin-Ting Chen
  • Tzong-Lin Wu

A novel approach of equivalent circuit model extraction is developed for modeling of integrated package and PCB power distribution networks (PDN). The integrated PDNs are formulated from a full-wave finite-difference algorithm, and the resulting matrix equations are converted to equivalent circuits. The equivalent circuits, as well as the decoupling capacitors and the attached circuit components, can be analyzed with a SPICE-like solver in both the time and frequency domains. The modeling of dielectric loss is also addressed. The method is used to model three PDN problems including a simple power bus, a BGA package mounting on a PCB, and a 3-D power bus structure. The results are compared to either measurement data or other numerical results. The limitations of the method are also discussed.

Meeting Name
IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (2006: Aug. 14-18, Portland, OR)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Center/Lab(s)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory
Keywords and Phrases
  • Packaging,
  • Finite Difference Methods,
  • Equivalent Circuits,
  • Transmission Line Matrix Methods,
  • Integral Equations,
  • Time Domain Analysis,
  • SPICE,
  • Sparse Matrices,
  • Electromagnetic Modeling,
  • Dielectric Losses,
  • Algorithms,
  • Capacitors,
  • Dielectric Losses,
  • Finite Difference Time Domain Method,
  • Decoupling Capacitors,
  • Matrix Equations,
  • Power Delivery Networks,
  • Power Distribution Networks (PDN),
  • Printed Circuit Boards,
  • Equivalent Circuit,
  • FDTD,
  • Power Delivery Network
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
Document Version
Final Version
File Type
© 2006 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Aug 2006
Citation Information
Shishuang Sun, David Pommerenke, James L. Drewniak, Kai Xiao, et al.. "Characterizing Package/PCB PDN Interactions from a Full-Wave Finite-Difference Formulation" Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (2006, Portland, OR) Vol. 2 (2006) p. 550 - 555 ISSN: 1077-4076
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