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Symmetric Solutions to the Gauss-Bonnet Extended Einstein Equations
Nuclear Physics B
  • James Thomas Wheeler, Utah State University
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Low-energy limits of string theories suggest that gravity lagrangians should include quadratic and higheorder curvature terms, in the form of dimensionally continued Gauss-Bonnet densities. In an arbitrary number of dimensions, we consider the static, spherically symmetric solutions to the lowest order Gauss-Bonnet extended Einstein equations. We also find isotropic, homogeneous cosmological solutions with an ideal fluid source.


Published by Elsevier in Nuclear Physics B. Author preprint is deposited in KEK Information Service System and is available for download through link above.

Citation Information
James T. Wheeler, Symmetric solutions to the Gauss-Bonnet extended Einstein equations, Nuclear Physics B, Volume 268, Issues 3-4, 12 May 1986, Pages 737-746, ISSN 0550-3213, 10.1016/0550-3213(86)90268-3.