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Yang-Mills Gravity in Biconformal Space
Classical and Quantum Gravity
  • L. B. Anderson
  • James Thomas Wheeler, Utah State University
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We write a gravity theory with Yang–Mills-type action using the biconformal gauging of the conformal group. We show that the resulting biconformal Yang–Mills gravity theories describe 4-dim, scale-invariant general relativity in the case of slowly changing fields. In addition, we systematically extend arbitrary 4-dim Yang–Mills theories to biconformal space, providing a new arena for studying flat-space Yang–Mills theories. By applying the biconformal extension to a 4-dim pure Yang–Mills theory with conformal symmetry, we establish a 1-1, onto mapping between a set of gravitational gauge theories and 4-dim, flat-space gauge theories.


Published by Institute of Physics in Classical and Quantum Gravity. Author has deposited preprint in, which is available for download through link above.

Citation Information
Anderson, L. B., & Wheeler, J. T. (2007). Yang–Mills gravity in biconformal space. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24, 475-495. doi:10.1088/0264-9381/24/2/012