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Inter-university collaboration for online teaching innovation: An emerging model.
Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education (2012)
  • James L. Soldner
Distance education is constantly evolving and improving. To stay current, effective online instructors
must utilize the most innovative, evidence-based teaching methods available to promote
student learning and satisfaction in their courses. One emerging teaching method,
referred to as blended online learning (BOL), involves collaborative education across multiple
university settings. In this article, we describe an inter-university educational collaboration designed
to connect students from various academic institutions using the BOL teaching method.
The article begins with an overview of the theoretical framework that informs the BOL method,
followed by an overview of the method and its key components. Benefits of this collaborative
learning effort to students, educators, universities, and the profession are also provided. The article
culminates with implications for using the BOL method with rehabilitation educators, including
collaborative teaching tips for working in educator and student teams.
Publication Date
Citation Information
James L. Soldner. "Inter-university collaboration for online teaching innovation: An emerging model." Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education (2012)
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