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Immune System
Diseases of swine
  • James A. Roth, Iowa State University
Document Type
Book Chapter
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The immune system comprises a variety of components that cooperate to defend the host against infectious agents. These components generally can be divided into nonspecific (or native) immune defense mechanisms and specific (or acquired) immune defense mechanisms. The nonspecific defense mechanisms are not antigen specific. They are present in a normal animal without previous exposure to antigen, and they are capable of responding almost immediately to an infectious agent. The major components of the nonspecific immune system are complement, phagocytic cells (macrophages, neutrophils, and eosinophils), natural killer (NK) cells, and some types of interferon. These components are very important in controlling an infection during the first few days of an initial exposure to an agent, when the specific immune response system is gearing up to produce antibody and a cell-mediated immune response.

This is a chapter in Diseases of Swine, 7th ed., chapter 3 (1992): 21.

Copyright Owner
Iowa State University Press
File Format
Citation Information
James A. Roth. "Immune System" Diseases of swine (1992) p. 21 - 39
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