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Unpublished Paper
High-Density SNP Genotypes for Predicting Genetic Merit of Beef Cattle
Animal Industry Report
  • Dorian J. Garrick, Iowa State University
  • Rohan L. Fernando, Iowa State University
  • Kadir Kizilkaya, Iowa State University
  • James M. Reecy, Iowa State University
Extension Number
ASL R2397
Publication Date
Summary and Implications

Current selection strategies result in annual rates of genetic improvement less than one-quarter of the progress that is theoretically possible if merit could be accurately predicted by breeding age. Tens of thousands of single gene markers (called SNPs), spread throughout the genome, enable the ancestral inheritance of small chromosome fragments to be tracked. Genetic merit of new, perhaps unrelated cattle can be predicted by summing up the values of all the fragments they have inherited. Such predictions at young ages will facilitate faster rates of genetic gain, especially for traits that are difficult to measure.

Copyright Holder
Iowa State University
Citation Information
Dorian J. Garrick, Rohan L. Fernando, Kadir Kizilkaya and James M. Reecy. "High-Density SNP Genotypes for Predicting Genetic Merit of Beef Cattle" (2009)
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