PSI VIII 935, a receipt acknowledging payment of rent for land near the village of Phthla, was published in 1927. The editor in commenting on the text sought to connect it with two other papyri, both of them Phthla land leases: P. Flor. III 281 (A.D. 517) and P. Cair. Masp. I 67113 (dating clause lost at top). A third, related land lease is P. Lond. V 1689 (527). These three papyri form a small archive not obviously integral to the main set of papyri issuing from Aphrodite (modern Kom Ischkaw) and preserved in the sixth-century archive of Flavius Dioscorus. Their unifying figure is their lessor, Flavius Panolbios, πολɩτευόμενοϛ (i.e. curialis) of Antaiopolis, son of John, deceased and former politeuomenos. The rent recipient of PSI 935 is one Flavius John, politeuomenos--perhaps therefore Panolbios' father.
© 1983 James Keenan.
Author Posting. © James Keenan, 1983. This article is posted here by permission of the American Society of Papyrologists for personal use, not for redistribution. The article was published in Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 20, 1983.