My interest in the problems of international development have provided frequent opportunities for field research in Southeast Asia. This has included funded research and consulting on studies of transport systems and development, population ecology and rural poverty,migration and resource access, social and economic displacement from infrastructure projects, and social forestry as a land management alternative for degraded forest lands in Thailand and the Philippines. Most recently (2004-06) we have collaborated with the Philippine Eagle Foundation on community-based management of buffer zones in protected areas in the Eastern Mindanao Corridor, southern Mindanao, Philippines.
My interest in the problems of international development have provided frequent opportunities for field research in Southeast Asia. This has included funded research and consulting on studies of transport systems and development, population ecology and rural poverty,migration and resource access, social and economic displacement from infrastructure projects, and social forestry as a land management alternative for degraded forest lands in Thailand and the Philippines. Most recently (2004-06) we have collaborated with the Philippine Eagle Foundation on community-based management of buffer zones in protected areas in the Eastern Mindanao Corridor, southern Mindanao, Philippines.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Geosciences,
University of Massachusetts Amherst