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Geologic Setting of the 1884 Bear Lake, Idaho, Earthquake: Rupture in the Hanging Wall of a Basin and Range Normal Fault Revealed by Historical and Geological Analyses
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
  • James P. Evans, Utah State University
  • Robert G. McDermott, Utah State University
  • Richard D. Kendrick, Jr., Utah State University
Document Type
Seismological Society of America
Publication Date

Analysis of historical accounts of the ~M 6.3 1884 earthquake in northern Utah reveals that the earthquake had an epicenter near 42.3° N, 111.4° W, approximately 30 km northwest of the event's original location. We use detailed reports of damage to structures and the consequences of ground shaking to define a felt area of approximately 70,000 km2 and estimate the peak ground accelerations as 100-300 cm/sec2. Analysis of the geologic structure of the area indicates that the epicentral area is a half-graben bounded on the east by the listric Bear Lake fault and on the west by the steeply dipping West Bear Lake fault. The earthquake epicenter was on the west side of the basin, and we interpret the event to have been the result of slip on the West Bear Lake fault zone at a depth of 4-5 km. This zone consists of steeply dipping antithetic faults in the hanging wall of the East Bear Lake fault. These data suggest that moderate-magnitude earthquakes on antithetic or small-displacement faults pose a significant, if local, seismic hazard in the northeastern Basin and Range province. We also demonstrate the utility of combining geological and historigraphic analyses to examine pre-instrument-era earthquakes.

Citation Information
Evans, J. P., Martindale, D., and Kendrick, R. D., 2003, Geologic setting of the 1884 Bear Lake, Idaho, earthquake: Rupture in the hanging wall of a basin and range normal fault revealed by historical and geological analyses, Bulletin Seismological Society of America, 93, p. 1621-1632.