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Green and Brown? Globalization and The Environment
Economics Department Working Paper Series (2004)
  • James K. Boyce, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

Globalization – viewed as a process of economic integration that embraces governance as well as markets – could lead to worldwide convergence toward higher or lower environmental quality, or to environmental polarization in which the ‘greening’ of the global North is accompanied by the ‘browning’ of the global South. The outcome will not be dictated by an inexorable logic. Rather it will depend on how the opportunities created by globalization alter balances of power within countries and among them.

  • globalization,
  • North-South trade,
  • environment,
  • governance
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Citation Information
James K. Boyce. "Green and Brown? Globalization and The Environment" Economics Department Working Paper Series Vol. 20 Iss. 1 (2004)
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