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Post-Fledging Dispersal of Burrowing Owls in Southwestern Idaho: Characterization of Movements and Use of Satellite Burrows
  • R. Andrew King, Boise State University
  • James R. Belthoff, Boise State University
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Using radiotelemetry, we monitored dispersing juvenile Western Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) within a migratory population in southwestern Idaho during 1994 and 1995. Owls remained within natal areas for an average (± SE) of 58 ± 3.4 days post-hatching before moving permanently beyond 300 m, which was our operational cutoff for dispersal from the natal area. On average, owls dispersed on 27 July (range: 15 July to 22 August), which was approximately 4 weeks after fledging. After initiating dispersal, juveniles continued moving farther away from their natal burrows and, by 61-65 days post-hatching, they had moved 0.6 ± 0.2 km. Each juvenile used 5.1 ± 1.2 satellite burrows, and individual satellite burrows were used for up to 14 days. The average date on which we last sighted radio-tagged juveniles was 13 August, and all but one juvenile departed the study area by early September. Our study illustrates the importance of satellite burrows to dispersing Burrowing Owls.

Copyright Statement

Published as "Post-Fledging Dispersal of Burrowing Owls in Southwestern Idaho: Characterization of Movements and Use of Satellite Burrows", Condor, 103(1), 118-126. © 2001 by the Regents of the University of California. Copying and permissions notice: Authorization to copy this content beyond fair use (as specified in Sections 107 and 108 of the U. S. Copyright Law) for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the Regents of the University of California for libraries and other users, provided that they are registered with and pay the specified fee via Rightslink® on Caliber ( or directly with the Copyright Clearance Center,

Citation Information
R. Andrew King and James R. Belthoff. "Post-Fledging Dispersal of Burrowing Owls in Southwestern Idaho: Characterization of Movements and Use of Satellite Burrows" Condor (2001)
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