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About James McNames

James McNames has been with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Portland State University, Portland, OR since 1999, where he is currently serving as professor and chair. He has published over 120 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. His primary research interest is statistical signal processing with applications to biomedical engineering. Recently his research has focused on the objective assessment and monitoring of movement disorders and technologies for quantifying human movement with wearable sensors. 

He founded the Biomedical Signal Processing (BSP) Laboratory ( in fall 2000. The mission of the BSP Laboratory is to advance the art and science of extracting clinically significant information from physiologic signals. Members of the BSP Laboratory primarily focus on clinical projects in which the extracted information can help physicians or medical devices make better critical decisions and improve patient outcome.


Present Professor & Chair, Portland State University Electrical & Computer Engineering

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PhD, Stanford University
MS, Stanford University
BS, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Contact Information

Portland State University
Electrical & Computer Engineering - Engineering & Computer Science, Maseeh College of (ECE) 
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207


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