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Wideband Acoustic Positioning With Precision Calibration and Joint Parameter Estimation
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
  • Amit Kumar, Portland State University
  • James McNames, Portland State University
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This paper presents an instrument for finding the location of an object in 3-D space. The location is determined using estimates of the object's distance from static anchor points with known coordinates. This process involves three main challenges: 1) a way of measuring the Euclidean distance between two points; 2) estimating system parameters such as the position of the anchor points, the speed of sound, and data acquisition delay; and 3) computing the position of the object from its distance to the anchor points. This paper addresses each of these challenges. A wideband acoustic signal is used for distance estimation. Nonlinear regression techniques are used to estimate the positions of the anchors and jointly optimize other system parameters. After calibration, a similar method is also used, this time using the optimized parameter set, to estimate the position of the target object. The design and performance of a prototype system, based on the proposed method, are discussed. The prototype, using five anchors and 13 reference locations, achieved a mean positioning accuracy of 0.86 mm over a test volume spanning 0.5 m × 0.5 m × 0.25 m.


©2017 IEEE

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Citation Information
Kumar, A., & McNames, J. (2017). Wideband acoustic positioning with precision calibration and joint parameter estimation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 66(8), 1946-1953.