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About James K. Baird

My efforts, which are largely theoretical, are directed toward questions on the border between chemistry and materials science. Since experiment is the final arbiter of the success of theory, I work closely with students who are interested in experiments. Although some students concentrate solely on experiment, others combine both theory and experiment, and all students are encouraged to analyze data and form conclusions based on their own findings. Recent research problems have included solid state diffusion, crystal growth, and critical phenomena involving chemical reactions in binary liquid mixtures with a consolute point.


1982 - Present Professor of Chemistry, Adjunct professor of Physics, and Chemical Engineering, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
1981 - 1982 Manager, General Electric Company ‐ Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory: Radiochemistry Unit
1970 - 1981 Research Physicist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory ‐ Health Physics Division
1969 - 1970 Captain, U.S. Army

Curriculum Vitae



2015 - 2016 "Role of Sinusoidal Oscillations in the Bridgman Growth of CdZnTe Crystals"
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
2005 - 2007 "Cosmic Ray Shielding Materials"
2002 - 2005 "The Consolute Point Battery"
U.S. Army/SMDC
2001 - 2002 "Viscosity of Molten HgZnTe"
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
1994 - 2002 "Protein Crystal Growth Kinetics"
National Institutes of Health
2001 "Chemical Equilibrium at the Critical Point of Solution"
1995 - 2001 "Lysozyme Crystal Growth"
Southeastern Universities Research Association
1995 - 2000 "Chemical Kinetics at the Critical Point of Solution
Petroleum Research Fund of the America Chemical Society
1994 - 2000 "Hydrogen Diffusion in Metals"
Naval Research Laboratory
1999 "Thermoelectricity"
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
1997 "Electrophoretic Mobility of Protein Crystals"
Alabama Space Grant Consortium
1995 - 1997 "Shock Waves and Solids"
Phillips Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base
1986 - 1997 "Solution Phase Diffusion"
NASA Sponsored UAH Consortium for Materials Development in Space
1994 - 1996 "Thermal Plasma Production of Nitric Acid"
Alabama Space Grant Consortium
1990 - 1993 "Kinetics of Diffusional Droplet Growth in a Liquid Two-Phase System
NASA Headquarters
1984 - 1992 "Electron Transport in Liquid Hydrocarbons"
Petroleum Research Fund of the America Chemical Society
1988 - 1991 "Plasma Chemistry of Ammonia"
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
1985 - 1990 "Protein Crystal Growth"
NASA Headquarters
1984 - 1987 "Crystal Growth in the System Hg/Cd/Te"
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
1984 - 1986 "Ostwald Ripening"
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present American Chemical Society, Member
Present American Physical Society, Member
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Honors and Awards

  • Defense Atomic Support Agency Certificate of Achievement, 1970
  • NATO Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Theoretical Chemistry, Oxford University, England, 1979-1982
  • American Chemical Society, Carolina-Piedmont Section, CHarles H. Stone Award for Research, 1991
  • American Society for Engineering Education Distinguished Summer Faculty Research Fellow, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 1993
  • Summer Faculty Research Fellow, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 2001
  • University of Alabama in Huntsville Foundation Award in Research and Creative Achievement in the Physical Sciences, 2008
  • University of Alabama in Huntsville Student Government Association Outstanding Teacher Award, 1996
  • Alpha Lambda Delta Freshma Honor Society Best Teacher of the Year Award, 1997
  • University of Alabama in Huntsville College of Science Dean's Service Award, 2001


  • CH 101: Introduction to Chemistry
  • CH 121/CH 123: General Chemistry I and II
  • CH 341: Chemical Thermodynamics
  • CH 342: Chemical Kinetics
  • CH 343: Quantum Chemistry
  • CH 346: Experimental Physical Chemistry II
  • CH 347/CH 348: Biophysical Chemistry
  • CH 640: Advanced Chemical Dynamics
  • CH 641: Statistical Thermodynamics
  • CH 642: Advanced Chemical Dynamics
  • CH 643: Quantum Chemistry
  • CH 644: Chemical Electrodynamics
  • CH 746: Solid State Chemistry
  • PH 560/PH 561: Solid State Physics
  • PH 621: Statistical Mechanics and Kinetic Theory I


1969 Ph.D. in Chemical Physics, Harvard University
1965 M.A. in Physics, Harvard University
1963 B.S. in Chemistry, Yale University

Contact Information

301 Sparkman Drive
Materials Science Building
Room 115
Huntsville, AL 35899

RCEU, HCR, and Von Braun Symposium Works (2)

Recent Works (7)

Research Works (159)