Bernard Lonergan’s philosophy of knowing and Pope Francis’s magisterial teachings yield a complementary trajectory toward educating for ecological responsibility. A concrete example was demonstrated by students in the capstone seminar required for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Environmental Ethics (INEE) at Marquette University in Spring 2017. After exploring Lonergan’s explanation of responsibility, his philosophy of education in which he underscores the need to integrate different ways of knowing, and the pope’s call for “integral ecology” when addressing and acting on ecological problems, the INEE seminar and its outcomes are described. They demonstrate local ways in which individuals and their religious communities can help mitigate the adverse effects of human-forced climate change when upper levels of governance fail to recognize the role human actions play in this global phenomenon and to act responsibly.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jame-schaefer/36/
Accepted version. "Educating for Ecological Responsibility: Bernard Lonergan, Pope Francis, and a Local Case Study Prompted by a Global Reality" from Everything is Interconnected: Towards a Globalization with a Human Face and an Integral Ecology. Eds. Joseph Ogbonnaya and Lucas Briola. ISBN: 9781626007185. © 2019 Marquette University Press: Milwaukee, WI. Publisher link. Reprinted with permission.