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London Calling: A Semester in the World's Sporting Capital
Case Studies in Sport Management
  • Jacob K Tingle, Trinity University
  • Callum Squires, Trinity University
  • Randall J Griffiths
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This case follows four American college students from a small, Liberal Arts institution during a semester-long, faculty-led study abroad trip to London, England. The case presents the experiences of these students as they integrate into London society. Mainly viewed through the lens of sport, the students encounter many differences to their preconceived notion of how sports work, providing an obvious platform for discussion and comparison of how sport is organized in different parts of the world. Specifically, the case offers students the opportunity to learn about new sports they may not have encountered before, evaluate the U.S. system of sport management, and suggest ways to improve sports both at home and abroad. The international aspect of this case also provides an added cultural element by focusing on specific events in the United Kingdom sporting calendar that can be used to teach students about another country’s sporting identity.

Human Kinetics Inc.
Citation Information
Tingle, J. K., Squires, C., Griffiths, R. (2020). London calling: A semester in the world's sporting capital. Case Studies in Sport Management, 9(1), 1-6.