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Using Personas to Understand the Needs and Goals of Institutional Repository Users
University Libraries: Faculty Scholarship
  • Jack M. Maness, University of Denver
  • Tomasz Miaskiewicz, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Tamara Sumner, University of Colorado, Boulder
Publication Date
Document Type
  • Academic libraries,
  • Institutional repositories,
  • Users

This study shares the results of an effort to understand the needs and goals of future institutional repository (IR) users at the University of Colorado at Boulder (UCB). Due to underutilization of IRs at other institutions, the University Libraries at UCB decided it was imperative that insight into users' goals and needs of an IR be gained before design of the repository began. The libraries partnered with faculty and students with expertise in human-computer interaction to study user needs. The results of this study yielded "personas" describing different classes of potential IR users on university campuses, which can be used to guide IR architects in designing repositories that facilitate increased participation.

Publication Statement

Copyright held by the authors. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Citation Information
Maness, J. M., Miaskiewicz, T., & Sumner, T. (2008). Using personas to understand the needs and goals of institutional repository users. D-Lib Magazine, 14(9/10). Retrieved from