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Lab-Scale Study of Temperature and Duration Effects on Carbonized Solid Fuels Properties Produced from Municipal Solid Waste Components
  • Kacper Świechowski, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Paweł Stępień, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Ewa Syguła, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Jacek A. Koziel, Iowa State University
  • Andrzej Białowiec, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
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Publication Version
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In work, data from carbonization of the eight main municipal solid waste components (carton, fabric, kitchen waste, paper, plastic, rubber, paper/aluminum/polyethylene (PAP/AL/PE) composite packaging pack, wood) carbonized at 300–500 degrees C for 20–60 min were used to build regression models to predict the biochar properties (proximate and ultimate analysis) for particular components. These models were then combined in general models that predict the properties of char made from mixed waste components depending on pyrolysis temperature, residence time, and share of municipal solid waste components. Next, the general models were compared with experimental data (two mixtures made from the above-mentioned components carbonized at the same conditions). The comparison showed that most of the proposed general models had a determination coefficient (R2) over 0.6, and the best prediction was found for the prediction of biochar mass yield (R2 = 0.9). All models were implemented into a spreadsheet to provide a simple tool to determine the potential of carbonization of municipal solid waste/refuse solid fuel based on a local mix of major components.


This article is published as Świechowski, Kacper, Paweł Stępień, Ewa Syguła, Jacek A. Koziel, and Andrzej Białowiec. "Lab-Scale Study of Temperature and Duration Effects on Carbonized Solid Fuels Properties Produced from Municipal Solid Waste Components." Materials 14, no. 5 (2021): 1191. DOI: 10.3390/ma14051191. Posted with permission.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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The Author(s)
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Citation Information
Kacper Świechowski, Paweł Stępień, Ewa Syguła, Jacek A. Koziel, et al.. "Lab-Scale Study of Temperature and Duration Effects on Carbonized Solid Fuels Properties Produced from Municipal Solid Waste Components" Materials Vol. 14 Iss. 5 (2021) p. 1191
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