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Effect of Biochar Diet Supplementation on Chicken Broilers Performance, NH3 and Odor Emissions and Meat Consumer Acceptance
  • Kajetan Kalus, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Damian Konkol, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Mariusz Korczyński, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Jacek A. Koziel, Iowa State University
  • Sebastian Opaliński, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
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Publication Version
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The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of biochar diet supplementation for broiler chickens on (1) ammonia and odor emissions from manure, (2) feed conversion ratio and daily weight gain, and (3) selected meat quality and sensory parameters. Beechwood biochar (BC, 2 and 4%) and BC–glycerin–aluminosilicates mix (BCM, 3 and 6%) were tested as dietary additives. A total of 750 chicken broilers (Ross 308) were divided into five dietary groups with five replicates per group (n = 5, 30 birds in each replicate) and reared on a littered floor for 5 weeks. Both feed additives showed a significant reduction of ammonia emissions by up to 17%, while the reduction of odor emissions was not statistically significant. The feed conversion ratio increased by 8% for the highest concentration of the mixture. The change of the treated broilers’ average body weight ranged in the last week of the experiment from 0 to −7%, with the most negative effect for the highest dose of the mixture. Sensory analysis of the sous-vide cooked breasts showed no significant differences.


This article is published as Kalus, K.; Konkol, D.; Korczyński, M.; Koziel, J.A.; Opaliński, S. Effect of Biochar Diet Supplementation on Chicken Broilers Performance, NH3 and Odor Emissions and Meat Consumer Acceptance. 10 Animals (2020): 1539. DOI: 10.3390/ani10091539. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Kajetan Kalus, Damian Konkol, Mariusz Korczyński, Jacek A. Koziel, et al.. "Effect of Biochar Diet Supplementation on Chicken Broilers Performance, NH3 and Odor Emissions and Meat Consumer Acceptance" Animals Vol. 10 (2020) p. 1539
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