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The Proof-of-the-Concept of Application of Pelletization for Mitigation of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Carbonized Refuse-Derived Fuel
  • Andrzej Białowiec, Iowa State University and Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Monika Micuda, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Antoni Szumny, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Jacek Łyczko, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Jacek A. Koziel, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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Waste can be effectively reused through the production of carbonized refuse-derived fuel (CRDF) that enables further energy recovery. Developing cleaner production of CRDF requires consideration of practical issues of storage and handling. Thus, it needs to be ensured that CRDF does not pose an excessive risk to humans and the ecosystem. Very few studies indicate a wide variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are present in CRDF, some of which are toxic. During handling, storage, transportation, and use of VOC-rich CRDF, workers and end-users could be exposed to emissions that could pose a health and safety hazard. Our recent study shows that CRDF densification via pelletization can increase the efficiency of storage and transportation. Thus, the following research question was identified: can pelletization mitigate VOCs emissions from CRDF during storage? Preliminary research aiming at the determination of the influence of CRDF pelletization on VOCs emission during storage was completed to address this question. The VOCs emissions from two types of CRDF: ground (loose, torrefied refuse-derived fuel (RDF)) and pelletized, were measured. Pelletization reduced the VOCs emissions potential during the four-day storage by ~86%, in comparison with ground CRDF. Mitigation of VOCs emissions from densified CRDF is feasible, and research is warranted to understand the influence of structural modification on VOCs emission kinetics, and possibilities of scaling up this solution into the practice of cleaner storage and transportation of CRDF.


This article is published as Białowiec, Andrzej, Monika Micuda, Antoni Szumny, Jacek Lyczko, and Jacek A. Koziel. "The Proof-of-the-Concept of Application of Pelletization for Mitigation of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Carbonized Refuse-Derived Fuel." Materials 12, no. 10 (2019): 1692. DOI: 10.3390/ma12101692. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Andrzej Białowiec, Monika Micuda, Antoni Szumny, Jacek Łyczko, et al.. "The Proof-of-the-Concept of Application of Pelletization for Mitigation of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Carbonized Refuse-Derived Fuel" Materials Vol. 12 Iss. 10 (2019) p. 1692
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