Auditory Discrimination of Tone-pulse Onsets
Attention Perception & Psychophysics
Two experiments are reported in which difference limens (DLs) were measured for onset times of a 1000-Hz tone pulse. An adaptive two-alternative forced-choice procedure and (mostly) well-trained subjects were used. In the first experiment, DLs were measured for the rise time of linear onset ramps at rise-time values between 10 and 60 msec. The DLs follow Weber's law up to a rise time of about 50 msec, and do not support the notion that rise times are perceived in a categorical manner. In the second experiment, DLs were obtained for linear, exponential, and raised-cosine onset envelopes at rise-time values between 10 and 40 msec. When energy differences in the critical band around 1000 Hz are computed for just-discriminable onsets, values between 0.7 dB (10-msec rise time) and 0.3 dB (40-sec rise time) are found. These equivalent intensity DLs show the same "near miss to Weber's law" behavior as do intensity DLs for pure tones.
- auditory discrimination,
- tone-pulse onsets
Publication Date
January 1, 1989
Citation Information
Jacek Smurzyński and Adrianus J. M. Houtsma. "Auditory Discrimination of Tone-pulse Onsets" Attention Perception & Psychophysics Vol. 45 Iss. 1 (1989) p. 2 - 9 ISSN: 1532-5962 Available at: