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Subsurface Profile Interpretation of Landslides, Examples from Bashilo River Watershed, Ethiopia
Environmental Earth Sciences
  • Elamin M. Ismail
  • J. David Rogers, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Muhammad Farooq Ahmed
  • Muhammad Zubair Abu Bakar

This research utilized the cost-effective methods for regional landslide characterization to serve as "roadmap" for more detailed landslide subsurface characterization. ASTER DEM's data with 30 m resolution and topographic maps with 40 m resolution were used for this regional scale landslide study to explore the foundation for the concepts embedded in the "expert-driven" practice of estimating the likely subsurface structure of bedrock landslides based on their surface expression. The projected subsurface structure of mapped landslides in the Bashilo River watershed, Ethiopia, reflects the active role of past ongoing mass-wasting processes in shaping the Bashilo River watershed's current setting. This regional study could help planners and engineers as guide map in contingency planning of geohazards in Tekeze and Blue Nile River watersheds.

Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
Keywords and Phrases
  • Bashilo Rive,
  • R Landslide,
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Subsurface Profile,
  • Topographic Map,
  • Cost Effectiveness,
  • Maps,
  • Watersheds,
  • Bedrock Landslides,
  • Contingency Planning,
  • Subsurface Characterizations,
  • ASTER,
  • Data Interpretation,
  • Blue Nile [Nile River],
  • Ethiopia,
  • Nile River,
  • Tekeze River
Geographic Coverage
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2016 Springer Verlag, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Aug 2016
Citation Information
Elamin M. Ismail, J. David Rogers, Muhammad Farooq Ahmed and Muhammad Zubair Abu Bakar. "Subsurface Profile Interpretation of Landslides, Examples from Bashilo River Watershed, Ethiopia" Environmental Earth Sciences Vol. 75 Iss. 16 (2016) ISSN: 1866-6280
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