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Why Theoretical Perspectives Need to Frame K-12 Online Learning
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (2018)
  • Leslie Pourreau
  • Anissa Lokey-Vega
  • Ivan M. Jorrín Abellán
In 2017, the authors analyzed the works available in the Research Clearinghouse for K-12 Blended and Online Learning for theoretical underpinnings by conducting a content analysis of the titles, abstracts, and keywords of each publication for the specific inclusion of learning theories Findings from this investigation supported the authors’ assertions that theoretical perspectives in the field of K-12 online learning exist, at best, in a meager state Using this evidence, the authors argue that distance learning theories could spark a shift in researcher practices that could move the field forward
  • distance learning,
  • Theoretical support,
  • K-12 Online Learning
Publication Date
Spring March 26, 2018
Washington, D.C. (United States)
Citation Information
Pourreau, L., Lokey-Vega, A. & Jorrín Abellán, I.M. (2018). Why Theoretical Perspectives Need to Frame K-12 Online Learning. In E. Langran & J. Borup (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 701-710). Washington, D.C., United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 19, 2018 from