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Special identities for Bol algebras
Linear Algebra and its Applications
  • Irvin Roy Hentzel, Iowa State University
  • Luiz A. Peresi, University of São Paulo
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Publication Version
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Bol algebras appear as the tangent algebra of Bol loops. A (left) Bol algebra is a vector space equipped with a binary operation [a, b] and a ternary operation {a, b, c} that satisfy five defining identities. If A is a left or right alternative algebra then A(b) is a Bol algebra, where [a, b] := ab - ba is the commutator and {a, b, c} := < b, c, a > is the Jordan associator. A special identity is an identity satisfied by Ab for all right alternative algebras A, but not satisfied by the free Bol algebra. We show that there are no special identities of degree <= 7, but there are special identities of degree 8. We obtain all the special identities of degree 8 in partition six-two.


This article is published as Hentzel, Irvin R., and Luiz A. Peresi. "Special identities for Bol algebras." Linear Algebra and its Applications 436, no. 7 (2012): 2315-2330. doi: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.09.021. Posted with permission.

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Elsevier Inc.
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Citation Information
Irvin Roy Hentzel and Luiz A. Peresi. "Special identities for Bol algebras" Linear Algebra and its Applications Vol. 436 Iss. 7 (2012) p. 2315 - 2330
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