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Teaching Law with Online Role-Playing Simulations
Institute for Law Teaching and Learning (2011)
  • Ira Nathenson, St. Thomas University School of Law
This document contains materials prepared for the summer 2011 conference of the Institute for Law Teaching and Learning held at New York Law School. The concise materials include: a listing of useful online tools; documentation for a miniature simulation; suggested components of an "associate" case file; methodology for formative and summative evaluation; and a sample scoresheet incorporating all ten MacCrate skills. A summary of the presentation is provided below: Live websites provide a dynamic “sandbox” for role-playing simulations that cast students as “lawyers” acting for fictional clients. Such simulations, initially crafted for a Cyberlaw class, can also be used in a wide variety of other courses. This provides a highly configurable platform for the immersive and holistic learning of knowledge, skills, and professional identity, including realistic fact-finding, advocacy, negotiation, ethical traps, and much more. The workshop will first provide background on relevant technology and methodology. Second will be a mini role-playing exercise using the live internet. Last will be a discussion of the benefits and challenges of online simulations.
  • Carnegie Report,
  • MacCrate Report,
  • Best Practices for Legal Education,
  • pedagogy,
  • simulations,
  • cyberlaw,
  • teaching
Publication Date
Summer June 1, 2011
Citation Information
Ira Nathenson. "Teaching Law with Online Role-Playing Simulations" Institute for Law Teaching and Learning (2011)
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