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A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study of Tegaserod to Increase Gastric and Small Bowel Transit Times with Wireless Capsule Endoscocpy (WCE): Preliminary Data
/data/revues/00165107/v63i5/S0016510706010728/ (2011)
  • Ian M Storch
  • Ira Schmelkin
  • Shirley Vance
  • Jamie Barkin
Publication Date
August 19, 2011
Citation Information
Ian M Storch, Ira Schmelkin, Shirley Vance and Jamie Barkin. "A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study of Tegaserod to Increase Gastric and Small Bowel Transit Times with Wireless Capsule Endoscocpy (WCE): Preliminary Data" /data/revues/00165107/v63i5/S0016510706010728/ (2011)
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