Pathways to Success in International Education : Final Report to the Department of Education
This 2019-2020 project examined and compared the academic performance of first-year direct entry international and pathway students in higher education institutions. By collecting and analysing data on the factors that contribute to students’ transition, engagement and academic outcomes in the first year, this project shed light on the kinds of institutional experiences and programs that can effectively support the success of international pathway students.
- Academic performance,
- International students,
- Pathways,
- Higher education,
- Transistion,
- Student engagement,
- Academic outcomes
Publication Date
February, 2020
Citation Information
Chi Baik, Dina Uzhegova, Ian Teo, Sophie Arkoudis, et al.. "Pathways to Success in International Education : Final Report to the Department of Education" (2020) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/ian-teo/12/