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Can an influence graph driven by outage data determine transmission line upgrades that mitigate cascading blackouts?
Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference Papers, Posters and Presentations
  • Kai Zhou, Iowa State University
  • Ian Dobson, Iowa State University
  • Paul D.H. Hines, University of Vermont
  • Zhaoyu Wang, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
IEEE International Conference Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS)
Publication Version
Submitted Manuscript
Publication Date
Conference Date
June 24-28, 2018
(43.6187102, -116.21460680000001)

We transform historically observed line outages in a power transmission network into an influence graph that statistically describes how cascades propagate in the power grid. The influence graph can predict the critical lines that are historically most involved in cascading propagation. After upgrading these critical lines, simulating the influence graph suggests that these upgrades could mitigate large blackouts by reducing the probability of large cascades.


This is a manuscript of the proceeding Zhou, Kai, Ian Dobson, Paul D.H. Hines, and Zhaoyu Wang, "Can an influence graph driven by outage data determine transmission line upgrades that mitigate cascading blackouts?" that will appear at IEEE International Conference Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), Boise, ID. June 24-28, 2018.

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Citation Information
Kai Zhou, Ian Dobson, Paul D.H. Hines and Zhaoyu Wang. "Can an influence graph driven by outage data determine transmission line upgrades that mitigate cascading blackouts?" Boise, ID(2018)
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