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Ministry Without Borders: Insights from the New Testament
Faculty Publications
  • Katelyn Campbell, Andrews University
  • Boubakar Sanou, Andrews University
  • Hyveth Williams, Andrews University
Document Type
Publication Date

On the basis of the evidences surveyed above, although there is functional distinction among the laos of God, if we consider the body imagery given to the church and the variety of spiritual gifts (Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12–14 and Ephesians 4), there should be no status, gender, class or hierarchical distinction, because all believers and ministries are equal before God (Acts 10:34; Galatians 3:26–28). While the clergy/ laity hierarchical distinction is embedded and assumed in religious circles, it cannot be found in the New Testament. Rather than being the activity of a spiritual aristocracy or the work of a professional class, ministry in all its aspects should be the lifestyle, responsibility and privilege of every believer.

Journal Title
Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture
First Department
Christian Ministry
Second Department
World Mission
Citation Information
Katelyn Campbell, Boubakar Sanou and Hyveth Williams. "Ministry Without Borders: Insights from the New Testament" Vol. 5 (2017) p. 14 - 19
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