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Trends in Outcomes and Hospitalization Costs for Traumatic Brain Injury in Adult Patients in the United States.
Journal of neurotrauma
  • Khosro Farhad, MD
  • Hafiz M R Khan, PhD
  • Andrew Bo-Hua Ji
  • Hussam A. Yacoub, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Adnan I Qureshi
  • Nizar Souayah, MD
Publication/Presentation Date

Several new therapeutic strategies have been introduced for the management of adult traumatic brain injury (TBI) over the last decade, such as the development of management pathways and specialized TBI units and improved treatment of cerebral perfusion. The purpose of this study is to compare TBI-related hospitalization outcomes in the United States between two time periods, 1993-1994 and 2006-2007. We determined the rates of occurrence, in-hospital outcomes, and mean hospital charges for patients hospitalized with adult TBI in 1993-1994 using the nationally representative all-payer Nationwide Inpatient Survey (NIS) database, and compared these outcomes with homologous data from 2006-2007. The incidence of TBI admissions was reduced by 35% in 2006-2007 compared with 1993-1994; (22/100,000 versus 34/100,000 population; p

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Citation Information

Farhad, K., Khan, H. R., Ji, A. B., Yacoub, H. A., Qureshi, A. I., & Souayah, N. (2013). Trends in outcomes and hospitalization costs for traumatic brain injury in adult patients in the United States. Journal Of Neurotrauma, 30(2), 84-90. doi:10.1089/neu.2011.2283