About Horacio M. LYNCH
Based on a professional background of nearly 50 years now, has developed his legal career in his own firm (Lynch & Asociados - Abogados) dealing mainly with general practice, litigation, and counseling, in Buenos Aires as well as in other different provinces in Argentina. Former member of the Board of the Buenos Aires Bar Association (private), since 1996 is member of the Academic Board of the at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT) Law School. Besides, has been a part of the Argentine legal scene since 1976 when at the age of 32 he founded FORES (FORO DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE LA ADMINISTRACION DE JUSTICIA - FORUM OF STUDIES ON JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION), a private nonprofit organization devoted to the improvement of the administration of Justice in Argentina and Latin America. Since then, and besides practicing his legal profession Mr. Lynch, has been the President of the Executive Board of FORES until 1996, and continues his contribution. He has - visited several judicial institutions around the world, - participated and lectured in national and international conferences on the administration of justice and on the legal profession, - directed and taken part in different researches and pilot experiences and has trained experts in this area. Related to legal education and lawyer’s professional training, he has created in 1980 the 'PROGRAMA DE ENTRENAMIENTO PARA ABOGADOS' (The Lawyer’s Training Program - The Art of Advocacy) having been his director for four years and he is still a counsel. Between 1988 through 1991 directed 'JUSTICE FOR ALL', a project dealing with legal aid in Argentina. He has occasionally advised the World Bank, judiciaries, the Justice Department and Bar Associations in Argentina and in other countries. Between 1992 and 2002 he founded IT-CENIT in which he carried out research on the area of Information Technology and on its impact on the law, economy, and business. The most relevant publications within this file are ARGENTINA DIGITAL. Born Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1943; admitted 1967. Education: UCA - Catholic University of Buenos Aires.
Research Interests
Legal profession, institutions, judicial administration and Law & technology
Honors and Awards
- FORES - Founder & President (1976-1996)
- 10 top Young Argentina' s leaders (1977)